Category Archives: Traditional craftsmanship

The laurel, ancient plant symbolising strength and victory

The laurel represents courage, strengthens self-confidence and intuition, and attracts success. It has an ancient and fascinating history linked to the myth of Daphne and Apollo. The sun god Apollo suddenly fell in love with the nymph Daphne after being shot by Eros’s arrow. The god of love also shot an arrow at the nymph […]

The feather, symbols and meanings

The feather is an ancient and powerful symbol that is present in all cultures. Native Americans used feathers in their rituals because through them they knew the spirit of birds. They waved the feathers over a sacred fire and thus expressed gratitude to the higher spirits. American Indians gave feathers to the most valiant warriors […]

The Making of the Italian Cameo

The “Birth of Venus” cameo is one of the most beautiful creations we have made in our collections . The “Birth of Venus” is a tempera painting on canvas by Sandro Botticelli 1482-1485. Painted for the Medici villa at Castello, the work of art is currently housed in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. It is […]

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